Hi and welcome =D

So a few weeks ago i had this idea, if not this urge, to make an adoption comic. and less then 3 weeks later i find me a writer in Bert Ballard, have a website and some good feedback. It’s all happened pretty quick, but sometimes the smallest of ideas can take off =).

As you might have gathered this is a comic about adopted people… and I am one of those people. I wanted to make something that bought a little joy and laughter in a area that is extremely serious (though understandably so). I hope that you enjoy this comic, cos i have loved drawing for it so far=D

Our comics are primarily for teens & adults with strong themes surrounding adoption, transracial adoption, family, culture, race, etc. so you might want to review the comic first before showing it to a person 13yrs or younger. More info at our Disclaimers page.

[EDIT] (I thought i’d add some stuff =P) Me and Bert are both Vietnamese transracial adoptees (and Bert now has become an Adoptive parent as well), many of our comics will have that point of view. But this comic is for everyone adopted or not, the comic is for anyone that wants a little insight into the adoptee world through unconventional means =). I also know not everyone will find it funny or understand where we’re coming from, but i didnt want that to stop me from trying to start this comic=). Lastly, even though both me and Bert are doing this comic, i hope this comic adds to our more “serious” efforts we have made in the adoption communities over the years. You can found out more about how this comic started and our other work on the “About” page =) (but yeah Bert has been working with adoption communities for far longer than i… i’m just starting out =P).

Welcome and enjoy =D.